Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sexy guy at work does he like me?

I'm bi and there is this cute slim guy that I work with and I was wondering if he likes me as well. When he first started he was quiet around me, but after working with him for almost six months I realized that he might be into me. Now when we talk he initiates the conversation, and his body language is that of an interested person. When we are talking his feet and his whole body are pointing in me direction, except for when he has to ring up a customer, but when they're gone he is right back to the same position. Once when he was leaving for the night I innocently touch the small of his back and he didn't seem to mind at all. Another instance is when we were talking in the break room, I had my feet on a chair and my body was pointing towards the door while his legs were outstretched and in my area. He looks into my eyes when we talk and sometimes I see him looking in my direction and when I look at him he looks down and to the left, and once I was eating a lollipop and he was smiling and he was asking how was my lollipop. He has a few feminine qualities and he never talks about a girlfriend and I don't catch him looking at the pretty girls that come into the store, instead he makes comments like "do think I should tell that girl that the tracks of her weave are showing?" (and he's Indian) or when this guy came into the store, he looked to be about 19 and I didn't even see this guys tattoo, but he did and he's like "since when do they let 12 year olds get tattoos?" I really like him and I don't want to mess our friendship up. So do you think I'm over analyzing this or should I tell him I'm bi? all answers are greatly appreciated.

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