Thursday, July 21, 2011

I think I've made a really big mistake and I don't know what to do?

My daughter (who's 7) was going to a state school. Her father and I agreed that we thought the state school system was a bit harsh on children ie: the long hours, the uniform, the lack of physical education, the homework etc. She had also had problems with her circle of friend's and had been kind of excluded. So, we looked for alternative route and found a Steiner school, which we placed her into. A few weeks into it, and I'm really disliking it. They told me it wasn't religious, and yet they thank God in prayers. The children in her class are a bunch of middle class anal twats who have no discipline because according to this school "the way you are is great, and you don't need o be changed". And, well, I could go on, but the long and short of it, I'm not happy. There are up sides like, more art, dance, physical education, craft, shorter days and smaller class sizes. But I just have a bad feeling. Is it ok to go on something like "gut instinct' on this one? Or should I stick it out? I feel bad chopping and changing. This new school is very different, so I don't know if I just need to get my head around it. I'm really confused and very unhappy about it. What would you do?

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